AccessStar 12+4
Powerful high-density hybrid storage server featuring up to 288TB of raw storage, the option for a flash acceleration tier with NVMe™ SSDs.
ACCESS HPC/HTC Plug&Play System
We provide a fully integrated HPC/HTC system in 25/44U. The system includes all the required components, including hardware, middleware,...
All Flash NVMe Storage
Access Technologies has developed a cutting-edge storage appliance that meets the demands of the performance critical customer...
All Flash NVMe Storage Case Study Sample
From: Gershom (Jan) Martin Subject: Shared Beegfs NVMe storage This shared Beegfs NVMe storage high-speed scratch storage server was...
FreeD / video HPC
Dreams can come true! We remember the 1st meeting, it was in our company, Aviv from a company called “Replay” came with an amazing idea...
What Is Big Data?
Processing and using data requires extreme infrastructure. Our expert will customize for your needs and crate solutions for your business